10 Tips for a Sounder Sleep

Whether you regularly struggle with settling down for the night, or you simply wish to navigate your nocturnal ritual more effectively, it can be helpful to have some guidelines in mind.


  1. The Timetable

The body has an internal clock and it’s worth tuning. Try to create a routine for yourself, with a regular time-frame to turn in at each night, and wake up in the morning – even on the weekend. Adhering to a sleeping schedule will help achieve those recommended 8 hours all the more easily.

  1. Tech-Free Territory

Don’t trap your brain into thinking it needs to remain awake by staring at a bright screen before bed – this includes laptops, tablets and phones. Turn them all off at least 30 minutes before retiring, or, even better, keep the bedroom free of technology.

  1. The Sleeping Environment

Tailoring your bedroom to meet recommended sleeping conditions can be a huge help. There are three points of focus here. Firstly, light – or lack thereof – is key. Darkness is always a benefit, so if the night is bright, invest in black-out curtains or a simple sleep mask. Secondly, noise. Unwelcome sounds will prevent and disturb sleep, so consider earplugs and resist leaving the television on late. And lastly, the temperature is worth paying attention to. Your body’s heat levels decrease when falling into a slumber, so keep the room cool, in-and-around 18.5ºC, to entice sleep.

  1. Work it Out

Exercise is always a bonus. Working your body – but not overworking it – will expend energy, leaving you more than ready for bed by the day’s end. But don’t work out too close to bedtime, keep a few hours in-between as a buffer.

  1. Snooze and You Lose

Daytime dozing can interrupt your natural schedule, so avoid post-lunch or dinner napping.

  1. Beneficial Bedding

Ensuring you have the correct pillow shape, mattress feel and even the addition of your preferred bedding materials can all contribute to a better sleep. An ill-suited bed can not only put your body out of sorts, but may even disrupt your sleep. And don’t forget to check the life-span of your mattress, regularly rotating it to maintain its full, comfortable form.

  1. Inspect Your Intake

What you put into your body really does count. Limit your caffeine intake, as it remains in the system for longer than you might think. Set yourself a daily cut-off point, preferably before 2pm. Likewise, alcohol should be kept to a minimum. While we’re all familiar with the concept of a ‘nightcap’, the reality is that once the effects wear off – even mid-sleep – you’re more likely to wake up at irregular times.

  1. Abandon Ship (Temporarily)

If you’re finding it impossible to drift off, get up. Don’t just lie in bed, as more often than not it adds to the frustration. Get out of bed and engage in something relaxing, like reading – the ban on bright screens is still in effect I’m afraid – and return to bed when you feel ready.

  1. Soothing Scribbles

There’s nothing worse than sleep-evasion due to stress. Lying in the dark often brings thoughts to the surface of your mind, so if something is bothering you, sit up and write it down. If you can, make some time before bed to do this, getting any disruptive dilemmas out of your head and onto paper.

  1. Smart Snacking

It’s best to avoid eating late, but if you absolutely have to snack, keep it light. Avoid protein-heavy bites, as it can be difficult for the body to break it down during the night.