Does Your WFH Space Need A Refresh? Check Out Our Top Tips.

Many of us have been working from home for months now and while we may be well into the swing of our daily routine, it doesn’t mean that our workspaces are yet up to scratch. Whether you love or hate WFH, there’s really no denying that a comfortable workspace is vital to a positive experience.

Struggling for some inspiration? Not to worry, we’ve created a list of some clever ways you can maximize your space at home and create a home office you can be proud to show off on those Zoom calls.

Repurpose floor-length cupboard spaces. 
This converted cupboard space is ideal for someone who needs a small, dedicated area for their working from home essentials, without taking over an entire room as an office. Ensure that you’ve got a large enough surface area for a laptop/notebooks/odds and ends and make clever use of storage trays etc for organization. Pop a cork board on the wall for pinning space and you’re good to go.
floor-length cupboard spaces

Floating shelves are our friends!
If you find that you don’t need much more than a designated area to fulfill short, simple work tasks, repurposing a floating shelf to hold your laptop and work materials is a super-clever way to maximize your space. Just make sure you’re installing it at the appropriate height!

Floating Shelves

Add interest to your space with artwork
If you’re working in a space with no window or natural view, adding artwork to your space can be a great way to keep things bright and colour.

Make use of that landing!
Have you got a spacious landing in your home that’s currently underutilized? Throw up some shelves and add a table and chairs to install an informal WFH/meeting space. 
WFH/meeting space


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