How to Pick the Right Rug

Rugs are among the most aesthetically pleasing furnishings of any interior.

Yesterday’s blog talked about how you can transform your bathroom by adding a large decorative rug, and in today’s post we’re going to discuss how to pick the right rug for your home.

Size matters, so it’s a good idea to start with a basic floor plan that includes the measurements for your rug plus the measurements of your furniture.

You can draw out a basic floor plan to get a general idea of how a rug will look in a certain room and how big you need it to be.

After that you should consider what rug material will be best: pick a durable material for hallways and rooms with high foot traffic and a lighter material for bedrooms and dining rooms.

Finally, think about the colours and patterns that will work best with the surround décor.

Complementary colours always work well but you can of course pick something a bit more colourful if you’re looking for a statement piece that will stand out.