Instagram Edit: Tagged Posts We Love

It’s always fantastic to see how our products are styled within our customers’ homes and the world of Instagram happily lets us take a peek. From home renovations, to contemporary refurbishments and even pop-up shops, we love seeing our collections displayed in all manner of spaces. We have  casually curated a selection of some of the posts we’ve been tagged in below and we’re all for seeing the creativity and design skills set out in each image. 



@jbloomerinteriors, @jbloomerinteriors

@gaffinteriors, @ashuringo

@aislingmkeenan, @oldvictoriannew

@oldvictoriannew, @fetchbeautyedit

@insect_chart, @inside_upgrade

@oldvictoriannew, @thehousebeyondthepalms



If you yourself are doing any product-inclusive posting, please tag us as we’d love to see what you’ve done!