Keeping Your Indoor Plants Alive this Autumn

Indoor plants are a very welcome addition to any interior, brightening up your living space and helping you to stay connected to nature, and you’ll be happy to know that it’s relatively easy to keep your indoor plants alive during the colder autumn and winter months.


(Credit: Interior Design Ideas)

Overwatering is generally the biggest problem for indoor plants, so remember to refrain from watering your plants until the soil is dry.

(Credit: Feng Shui Nexus)

Similarly, it’s important provide a good drainage system for indoor plants, such as a layer of pebbles at the bottom of the pot and you can place the pot on a small saucer after watering to ensure it drains properly.


(Credit: Balcony Garden Web)

Research a little about the indoor plants that feature in your home and find out how much sunlight is recommended for them.

(Credit: Pinterest)

For instance, some indoor plants require full sunlight while others require the shade, so investigate what’s needed to determine the best spot in your home for each plant.

(Image Credit: Pinterest)

You can usually tell if a plant isn’t getting enough sunlight by its foliage, as paler foliage usually suggests the plant needs more time in the sun.