Trend Report – Magnificent Marble

Did you know that marble is making a HUGE comeback this year? Making it’s return to the world of modern interior design, marble is set to be one of the biggest interior trends for 2020, but with a twist.

Rather than filling a room with marble, which can create a cold and sterile atmosphere, we suggest using small touches of this luxurious material throughout the home for a truly sophisticated look.

Marble, when cleverly placed, can elevate your interior game to the next level and when paired with the right pieces can create a truly sleek aesthetic that’s guaranteed to last a lifetime.

While marble would have been traditionally confined to bathrooms and kitchens, it’s modern renaissance see’s marble making it’s way to dining and living collections too.

A marble coffee table paired with a striking and robust wooden frame juxtaposes two distinctive looks and creates an elegant and stylish feature.

Shop the Karma Marble Collection here: