Top Tips For Creating An Eco-Friendly Home.

eco friendly living

Looking to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle? You’re not the only one. People all over the world are taking steps to become a little greener to help the environment and oftentimes these changes can result in some extra cash in your pocket too!

We at Michael Murphy Home Furnishing put together five of our top tips to be implemented at home. Trust us, you won’t look back.

1) It might seem like an easy one but unplugging any electronics that aren’t in use is a great way to be a little greener at home. Leaving a phone charger plugged in when you’re finished charging your phone can waste a lot of electricity over time. Unplug and be eco-friendly.

2) Did you know that 90% of the energy used by your washing machine goes on heating up the water? Sticking the washing machine on a cold cycle can save a lot of energy.

3) Try and eliminate single-use plastics from your routine. Invest in a glass water bottle and refill it instead of buying multiple plastic bottles a week. Reusable shopping bags, paper straws and cutlery, glass storage containers for food; all great alternatives to plastic!

4) Have you got a compost bin? Composting wasted food is a win-win. You get plenty of high-quality, natural fertiliser to keep your garden looking fresh and all of that waste doesn’t end up in a landfill.

5) Have you gone paperless yet? Many companies now offer to let you view and pay your bills online. This is a great way to save paper and all those precious trees providing us with much-needed oxygen.

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