Maximise Space and Brighten Up Your Living Room Part 1

We all would love a bigger and brighter living room but due to limited finances and space we unfortunately often have to make do with what we have.

Thankfully, there are a handful of time-tested techniques and tricks you can employ at home to increase the sense of space in your living room and as a result improve the room’s ambience and energy.

Consider the space and shape of the room, where you keep furnishings and furniture and if said items are blocking any windows or other sources of natural light.

You may consider purchasing new homewares if your current collection is bulky or drab e.g. a slim sofa with thin wooden legs like the Prospect Sofa will greatly encourage the sense of space in the surrounding areas.

Play around with furniture positions to find the combination that offers the freest space and you’ll quickly find the optimum grouping for your living room.