Secret Money-Saving Maintenance Tips

Ensure you’re always prepared for the unexpected with these handy money-saving maintenance tips from the forward-thinking folk over at Apartment Therapy!

1. Maintenance Funds

Smart homeowners understand that repairs could be required in any part of the house at any time, which is why they keep a maintenance fund to cover such expenses.

2. Maintenance Calendar

A little maintenance calendar can go a long way and help you stay on top important tasks e.g. bleed radiators once a year. You can add reminders to your phone or simple write the tasks on a physical calendar.

3. Regular Checkups 

Early detection is one of the best ways to prevent faults or damage from becoming too big an issue, so remember to check every area in and around the house on a regular basis (once a month should do). Be on the lookout for leaks, cracks, mold and other common household issues.