Simple Tricks for Organising Food Storage

Keeping the kitchen neat and tidy can be a challenging task at the best of times, but with these handy tips and tricks from the maestros over at Apartment Therapy you’ll have your food storage in tip top shape in no time.

One of the easiest ways to add a little order to your kitchen is by using various storage options e.g. baskets for vegetables, spice rack for herbs, bread bins etc., and giving each food type its own designated area.


Smart storage options like pantry door racks and pull-out drawers help to maximise your total storage space and are great for keeping food tucked away from prying eyes.


Remember that the different heights and depths of shelves can be useful for storing a range of foods in addition to cookware and kitchen utensils, so don’t be afraid to mix and match.


(All images: Apartment Therapy)